Friday 4 October 2013


On msp, I see a lot of hackers. As I said, if I see any more weirdo hackers, I will scream. Well, here is me screaming! ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU MIND? THAT WAS A PERSONAL SCREAM? Oh who gives a flying....lets change the subject =-o

If hackers want to take over msp, will they ever find out about every single user? The 2014 'hackers taking over' thing is most likely to be a lie. Msp staff say there are NO hackers on msp, and they say we shouldn't be scared. But there ARE! I am not scared, but I am annoyed. Yes, it is Friday -.- I am loving Friday's, but right now I am...LOVING THIS DAY xD. Okay, you obviously dont understand my world -.- Yes, I have a world...with pandaboos and giraffe's....OK ENOUGH OF THAT ME! Right. Let me become normal again -.-

Okay. Hackers? Msp staff, no offence, but you lie. You tell us no hackers exist, when any 2-year-old can clearly see that there are hundreds of the things! I haven't been hacked, but a couple of my friends have. Does that prove hackers don't exist? Msp staff, you just want msp to be that perfect online game, that thousands of users go on, where you earn money; and lots of it. But saying hackers DONT exist is clearly NOT TRUE. I have a good mind to quit, but because of that good person I am - thank you :) - I will not. I will try and get msp to tell the truth. I shall tell a Moderator if the staff KEEP lying. What is the point of being on a game that lies?

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