Wednesday 16 October 2013


Ok, I know Chibi-Chu is not the best name for anything, but here goes!

Chibi: Chu, why are you nibbling my fingers?

Chu: Huh?

Chibi: Oh, whatever -.- Carry on -.- 

*Seven minutes later*

Chibi: Chu, my fingers are getting saw now...

Chu: Too bad.

Chibi: *yanks fingers away* Leave me ALONE :(

Chu: HEY! That was for my Science Experiment!

Chibi: Tough luck. Go Science Experiment on someone 3 foot and 2 inches then -.- 

Chu: You suck -.-

Chibi: Does that mean you hate me?

Chu: Yes, it does ¬.¬

Chibi: Good, because so do I :p

Chu: Can we discuss friendship later?

Chibi: Yupppp...I dont care...Im doing my French Homework :p

*Three hours later*

Chibi: Chu? Are you waiting outside my bedroom door?

Chu: Um...Yes, I am...Inspecting your door frame?

Chibi: Were you telling me or asking me?

Chu: Telling....

Chibi: Good...Are you sure?

Chu: No...Not really...:s 

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