Thursday 17 October 2013


Chu: Didn't mean it in that way...

Chibi: Sounded like it -.-

Chu: Sorry...but how come when you jumped you didn't die?

Chibi: Huh? Because I am AWSHUM xD

Chu: Yeah, I bet...-.- 

Chibi: Are you judging my royalty?

Chu: N-No....Of course not! :) 

Chibi: That's what I thought -.-

*awkward silence* *Chibi goes in her room*

Chu: You in there?

Chibi: No, I am hunting for a U.F.O down the park -.-

Chu: AWESOME! Can I join you?

Chibi: SARCASM! Course I'm in my room, you weirdo -.-

Chu: Can I come in?

Chibi: As long as you won't nibble my fingers, then yes!

Chu: Can I borrow some paper?

Chibi: Why?

Chu: I want to write out a list of sarcastic things to say to you :p

Chibi: Whatever -.-

Chu:  Is this one good? No, I'm in a plane with Bob the Builder!

Chibi: Huh? What the? Who the flying grapes is 'Bob the Builder'?

Chu: My idol...

Chibi: Baby -.- 

Chu: Says you -.- You still hunt for U.F.O's :p

Chibi: Go suck an egg -.-

Chu: Um...I hate eggs...

Chibi: Why did you have one for breakfast?

Chu: Because I thought I liked them...?

Chibi: Question or statement?

Chu: Statement...

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