Wednesday 11 December 2013


Hi Bloggers! I haven't been on for a while, as I have been playing a new game I discovered: ROBLOX. Here are some pictures from:
Survive The Slenderman Stage 41 (or something like that)

I got to  2364 seconds, but it won't let me upload the pictures :( Oh well. Have a Merry Christmas!
Paws :p


Thursday 14 November 2013

I think this advert is really sad, because the little hare is left alone when the bear is hibernating, and gets him a little clock  for Christmas! When the snowflake lands on the bears nose, the poor hare feels sad :(  

MelMoo :)

Monday 11 November 2013

No Title :p

Lol :p I felt like screaming. Hear that? No? Shall I do it again? What? You say no? Hmph X(

Msp Vivian! FOUND

Ok, so I typed in Tawna on Clubs. It came up with two clubs. 'Tawna, We Miss You!' and 'Tawna Fan Club'. What happened was I clicked on 'Tawna Fan Club' and I then clicked on Members. At the top it said 'Owner 
Vivian'. It had the correct font! Don't believe me? Look at the pics!

See? Ignore the other things, just focus on the profile and above x Thanks x Omg. I seriously cant believe that Vivian really exists. That HAS to be a complete joke, I'm typing like a year after I posted this post :o

Friday 8 November 2013

Shoutout #2

This ShoutOut goes to JoJo 77 99! She has been hacked more than once, and she seems to get over it SUPER quickly! If you are JoJo 77 99's friend, be kind to her!  

Btw, this hacking is real, it is Anon's New Status :o 

Shoutout #1

This ShoutOut goes to coolkali! You've always been kind and helpful, and never stop helping! Add coolkali, if she has enough friend space! Also, help her to Level 12, she deserves it!

Thursday 31 October 2013

Happy Hallowe'en! 31/10/13

Today I created a look on 'Beauty Salon' (Msp) And I decided to make it look 'Cat-Hallowe'en-Cleopatra style. So it took me a while, but eventually I got to make a good look. The eyes represent Cleopatra, the fangs represent Hallowe'en and the Whiskers represent a Cat :) 

I just randomly picked out the hair from my clothing section before I made the look, as it seems a mix of the three chosen items. Also, the pale skin has NOTHING to do with Cleopatra, but I chose it from thinking of Operetta (Monster High) and Abbey Bombinable (Monster High) Please correct me if I spelt it wrong :D

Monday 28 October 2013

PAWS! :p


Paws! Is my new way of saying 'Good Bye' or 'Bye :)' This is what I invented, whilst watching SSG vids :) I like it :)

Paws! :p 

See, it works xD Remember, comment on what you want to me to write about, because seriously, I HAVE NO IDEA X( 


On msp, I am doing a trading day! See, I said limited :p Lol :p Course I'm not doing just a day! I'm doing 3 days! My items are good items...Soo.....If you want to trade, show me what you are willing to trade, and I will see if it is good enough for my 'Trading Limited Time' swap thingy :)

Bye :p


I have about 4/5 trading items on Msp right now, but I am only going to trade them for a limited time! Also, I want GOOD trades to receive, too xD

SSG, YouTube

Right now I am just OBSESSED with the YouTube channel: SevenSuperGirls. My favourite is Kaelyn, and I ♥ her puppy & fish xD

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Msp Clothing :) JUDGE TIME #1

This hair is one of my favourites :) It has a burger with lettuce, fries and tomatoes. And possibly some cucumber :D
Also, the hair is simple, blonde...and sparkly :p

I think the hair is a reasonable price, and is perfect for Non-Vip's & Beginners :)

Also, the wavy-ness on the actual hair makes it look PERFECT xD

This dress is red, white and made of 100% fries. Just joking, it has fries on top :D Lol :D Be serious, me x(

Well, it goes with the hair to make a McDonald's meal....*Laughs*
It is a nice colour to make it look like a packet of French Fries. 

It is a reasonable price, and is perfect for Non-Vip's and Beginners :)

Also, the tutu shape starting from the middle looks PERFECT xD

Friday 18 October 2013


Chibi likes Mollie best. Mollie is the most popular of the group. Bob and Chu still like eachother, but dont do anything together. Chibi and Chu avoid eachother for another year, until Mollie moves to Culifurngar, Anmerickar, and the other popular girls begin to hate Chibi. So Chibi is stuck with Chu. They have to go round Chibi's house each day, which is a little unfortunate for Chibi. 

So that is how Chibi ends up using sarcasm and Chu ends up bedazzled.  


Chibi and Chu dont seem like very good friends. When they first started School, they were best friends. They went to GurglesDale School in Shanada, Anmerickar. They then moved up to secondary school, GurglesDale Secondary School in exactly the same place, Shanada, Anmerickar. Chibi is a kind-hearted, sarcastic, funny, geeky girl, who knows literally everything. Chu, on the other hand, is a mean, un-sarcastic, boring, nerdy boy, who knows literally nothing. ( I am not offending nerds! I like them! )

When they get to their second year in GurglesDale secondary, they begin to dislike eachother. Chu hangs around with Bob and Emuerie, while Chibi hangs around with all of the popular girls. Emuerie moves school, to somewhere else in Shanada, and Chu is left with Bob. They argue, they scream at eachother, but still, they stay friends. 

Chibi-Chu Meaning...?

Chibi-Chu is a sort of script thing, with two normal characters, with odd names. Chibi is an 11-year-old girl, and Chu is a 10-year-old boy. They both live in GurglesDale, in Shanada, in Anmerickar.(I know you spell America differently, but this is made up) And Chibi likes to use sarcasm, which Chu doesnt really understand, as  he is a strange child. Find out more about Chibi & Chu on the post above this!


*Two hours later*

Chu: I'm hungry...

Chibi: Same...

Chu: Can I eat?

Chibi: Yes, of course you can eat -.- 

Chu: YES. Where is the fridge?

Chibi: Why do you need the fridge? -.-

Chu: To eat....

Chibi: No you dont! You need food to eat, which you can very easily buy!

Chu: But I dont have any money!

Chibi: Huh? I dont care -.- 

Chu: I hate you :( 

Thursday 17 October 2013


Chu: Didn't mean it in that way...

Chibi: Sounded like it -.-

Chu: Sorry...but how come when you jumped you didn't die?

Chibi: Huh? Because I am AWSHUM xD

Chu: Yeah, I bet...-.- 

Chibi: Are you judging my royalty?

Chu: N-No....Of course not! :) 

Chibi: That's what I thought -.-

*awkward silence* *Chibi goes in her room*

Chu: You in there?

Chibi: No, I am hunting for a U.F.O down the park -.-

Chu: AWESOME! Can I join you?

Chibi: SARCASM! Course I'm in my room, you weirdo -.-

Chu: Can I come in?

Chibi: As long as you won't nibble my fingers, then yes!

Chu: Can I borrow some paper?

Chibi: Why?

Chu: I want to write out a list of sarcastic things to say to you :p

Chibi: Whatever -.-

Chu:  Is this one good? No, I'm in a plane with Bob the Builder!

Chibi: Huh? What the? Who the flying grapes is 'Bob the Builder'?

Chu: My idol...

Chibi: Baby -.- 

Chu: Says you -.- You still hunt for U.F.O's :p

Chibi: Go suck an egg -.-

Chu: Um...I hate eggs...

Chibi: Why did you have one for breakfast?

Chu: Because I thought I liked them...?

Chibi: Question or statement?

Chu: Statement...

Wednesday 16 October 2013


Chu: No, not really...

Chibi: Okay, then hang on for another minute or two...*jumps out window*

Chu: Chibi? Are you still there?

Chibi: *Appears behind Chu* Yep, right behind you!


Chibi: Am I really that scary?

Chu: How did you get there?

Chibi: Im magic...

Chu: Seriously Chibi, how?

Chibi: I kinda jumped out of the window and onto the porch, crept upstairs and scared you :)

Chu: Why didn't you die?

Chibi: Thanks, Chu! 


Ok, I know Chibi-Chu is not the best name for anything, but here goes!

Chibi: Chu, why are you nibbling my fingers?

Chu: Huh?

Chibi: Oh, whatever -.- Carry on -.- 

*Seven minutes later*

Chibi: Chu, my fingers are getting saw now...

Chu: Too bad.

Chibi: *yanks fingers away* Leave me ALONE :(

Chu: HEY! That was for my Science Experiment!

Chibi: Tough luck. Go Science Experiment on someone 3 foot and 2 inches then -.- 

Chu: You suck -.-

Chibi: Does that mean you hate me?

Chu: Yes, it does ¬.¬

Chibi: Good, because so do I :p

Chu: Can we discuss friendship later?

Chibi: Yupppp...I dont care...Im doing my French Homework :p

*Three hours later*

Chibi: Chu? Are you waiting outside my bedroom door?

Chu: Um...Yes, I am...Inspecting your door frame?

Chibi: Were you telling me or asking me?

Chu: Telling....

Chibi: Good...Are you sure?

Chu: No...Not really...:s 

Why did I post this?

Sunday 13 October 2013


Abigaillizy is a regular user of 'moviestarplanet' UK. She is level 12 (Great Movie Star)  

Usual Appearance 
Abigaillizy has 'Pretty Perfect' eyes with smokey
eye shadow and light pink 'Cherry Gloss' lips. 

  • Abigaillizy once deleted her user then somehow got it back again.
  • Purple Leopard 24 (One of her backup accounts) was hacked by a random Anonymous in her msp room.
  • LeEvilMarshmallow (One of her backup accounts) was vip once. 
  • She once had four besties on Abigaillizy, instead of a boyfriend.  
 Please remember these are only rumors and have not yet been proven. 

About her account                                                  Abigaillizy has three best friends, including,              
tia tia!, haileehottiechick and lily chain baby.

She has a boyfriend called cooldudeloverboy jnr 


My Msp Wikia

I asked Absolzoey (msp) to create me a msp Wikia page, and she did. But it wouldn't let me create an account, so I decided I shall make an msp Wikia on OWN wikia :) So, I shall choose random people each maybe day/hour/week to my Wikia. :) 

Thursday 10 October 2013

See that? She is second on my friends list :)

Wednesday 9 October 2013


FINALLY! I'm Level 7 at last! I got the new vip yesterday. I got super vip for a month, and I gave a greeting and levelled up (with the help of over 200 people!!) So yeah, thanks :) Also, wanna see my new outfit? LOOKIES!!!

Tuesday 8 October 2013


I can almost see it,
That dream Im dreaming but
There's a voice inside my head saying
'you'll never reach it' 

Every step im taking
Every move I make feels 
Lost with no direction...
My faith is shaking'....

But I....
I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high 

There's always gonna be another mountain...

Im always gonna wanna make it move ---------->
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes im gonna have to lose

Isnt about how fast I get there
Isnt about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb 

The struggles Im facing
The chances Im taking
Sometimes might knock me down but
No Im not breaking

I may not know it 
But these are the moments
That Im gonna remember most (yeah)
Just gotta keep going

And I 
I gotta be strong
Just keep pushing on 

There's always gonna be another mountain
Im always gonna wanna make it move ---------------->
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes Im gonna have to lose

Isnt about how fast I get there
Isnt about whats waiting on the other side
It's the climb 

Theres always gonna be another mountain
Im always gonna wanna make it move ------------------->
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes you're gonna have to lose 

Isnt about how fast I get there
Isnt about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb 

Keep on moving
Keep on climbing 
Keep the faith baby 

It's all about
It's all about the climb


Monday 7 October 2013

I had an awshum time without chu at ma' own party :) Not :((((((

I think dat is an awshum bed xD. If you dont then chu are sad -.-

I mean , who cares whether it's Peppa Pig? S'pose Peppa Pig isnt as bad as I thought :D 

Okay. If you want this bed , please dont ask me where to get it. I am not psychic. (Even though I wish I was) I just got that picture off Google Images :D

I was kinda bored and typed in 'Peppa Pig Beds' and it SOMEHOW came up with Peppa Pig Beds...Lolz x

~Bliss Out~

Friday 4 October 2013


On msp, I see a lot of hackers. As I said, if I see any more weirdo hackers, I will scream. Well, here is me screaming! ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU MIND? THAT WAS A PERSONAL SCREAM? Oh who gives a flying....lets change the subject =-o

If hackers want to take over msp, will they ever find out about every single user? The 2014 'hackers taking over' thing is most likely to be a lie. Msp staff say there are NO hackers on msp, and they say we shouldn't be scared. But there ARE! I am not scared, but I am annoyed. Yes, it is Friday -.- I am loving Friday's, but right now I am...LOVING THIS DAY xD. Okay, you obviously dont understand my world -.- Yes, I have a world...with pandaboos and giraffe's....OK ENOUGH OF THAT ME! Right. Let me become normal again -.-

Okay. Hackers? Msp staff, no offence, but you lie. You tell us no hackers exist, when any 2-year-old can clearly see that there are hundreds of the things! I haven't been hacked, but a couple of my friends have. Does that prove hackers don't exist? Msp staff, you just want msp to be that perfect online game, that thousands of users go on, where you earn money; and lots of it. But saying hackers DONT exist is clearly NOT TRUE. I have a good mind to quit, but because of that good person I am - thank you :) - I will not. I will try and get msp to tell the truth. I shall tell a Moderator if the staff KEEP lying. What is the point of being on a game that lies?

Like it?

Thursday 3 October 2013

Thank you for saving msp! Your help was very much NOT appreciated :D You know what, what is the point in hackers? Do they think they are awesome? Cos' believe me, they are definitely NOT in my world. Yes, I have a world! With little PandaBoos and Giraffe's and :o You're still here? Sugar cookies! Why did I say that? Okay, ignore that, I never said ANYTHING about PandaBoos...Giraffe's XD Okay, okay! That is ENOUGH. If anything, hackers should be banned, right? If you agree, comment, PLEASE :( Also, if you are kind and a true friend, how about checking out Tour The States by Marbles the Brain Store? That'd be kind -.- Now shoo! Go away! I dont want you reading my blog for the world of shiny shoooooooooooeeeessssssss :) Lol XD

Bye Bye xx


Wednesday 25 September 2013

Okay, Mspers

What is it with high-levellers DESPERATE to be better than everyone else? I dont really care if Ishacool/Candired are reading this, because this is based on them. 

Also, KelseyLaurasHelper (DELETED USER) should feel guilty. She hacks a lot of people, and I know a common way of doing it. She firstly gives them her pass, they log out, trying to log into her msp, but by then she has changed her pass. She then SOMEHOW gets their pass and logs in, sends a load of their clothes to her account and then when they log on, they get a surprise! Many people think it's Anonymous or someone, but it isnt! 


Ishacool used cheat engine and I have PROOF!

See it? Ishacool proved that she actually DID use cheat engine. So did BamBam! Read the writing. 
Ive received over 41,000 autos :) Dont tell anyone but I use cheat engine thats why I have recevied so many autos
Thx if u watch my movies.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Why on earth is this kid annoying me? She blocked me, now look at our conversation. Did I do something? No, not from what I can see!

Post title

I hate it when on a chat bar, faint words come up saying: Post title, Write here. And whatever else. It is so NOT FAIR! 
That's what I'm on about! Why does that appear? *Picture Taken On Msp* 
Why do they do it? I need to chat to a moderator, so I will, actually...Can you chat to moderators? They just randomly add you, because apparently they know everyone on moviestarplanet, is that true? I want to tell them ideas too, but do they ever go online? Nope, not much anyway. So if you have an idea, Follow me on Blogger and leave a comment for this post so I know what idea to send to the moderators. 
Thanks :) Millie Out D:

Omg, creepy!

These pictures are oddly strange. You see the one directly above this text? You can see me (millie2003millie) and it says I'm vip. When you're vip, you cant buy vip, but you can buy the things that you usually get with the vip for a cheaper price. On the top picture, it says I CAN buy vip! AND I am in that picture! So how is this possible? SOMEBODY!!! TELL ME :(

Wednesday 11 September 2013


On msp, people keep going on and on about quitting and staying and quitting and staying. If you're quitting, just get on with it! If you're staying, then stop going on about quitting and stay! Okay?

Monday 9 September 2013


Some people don't get the phrase 'Normal conversation' =-(


Abigaillizy, you are now officially famous!! ;p 

This is Abigaillizy. She is Level 11, VIP and really kind. Also funny :D Add her because trust me, you WON'T regret it, okay? Now that is WON'T in capitals, and I only use capitals if I'm serious :) Ok? Thank you. I WANT AUTOS!!! Actually, I don't. Give her autos and greetings and wishys and do the diamond ride especially for her and anything else GOOD for Abigaillizy. Thank you -.- 

Saturday 7 September 2013


Gangnam, you're now famous :)

This is Gangnam. I shall be putting random msp users on my blog from...NOW!!!


Crystal, you're now famous :) 

This is Crystal. I shall be putting random msp users on my blog for the next....week! So feel free to ask to be on here :)


Unwanted things? Thinking of recycling them? THINK AGAIN!!! I am your personal recycler-boss. Give all of your unwanted things to me, I don't care what they are! 
Need autos and gifts? You've come to the right place! I give autos and gifts regularly now, so feel free to ask! Some days I may say no. 
Want new ideas? Ask meeee!!! I have a Moderator friend, so I can easily-peasily as him. Okay? 
Want something new off your wishlist? Do you? Really? Then message me -.- Wasn't that hard, was it?! -.- 

I am at the library -.- Wanted to know that?

Well, I was. Now I am home. This was saved. #SAVETHEANIMALS.PNG

I'm on msp

I am on movie star planet as I am typing this. CREEPY. Anyways, I shall put some pics on :)

I am on msp, right now, as you can see. That snip was taken at 4:44 pm but now it's 4:47pm, AMAZING 

Friday 6 September 2013


I just clicked new post and was like, Oml, cos' when you click 'START or the windows sign thing, the long bar comes up, and that came up then mysteriously went off D: D: WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? D: WHAT DID I DO TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN???? Omd....I think I know what...IM BLOOMIN' HUNGRY, THATS WHAT!!!!

I need a msp greeting :(

I seriously, desperately need a greeting. Im so close to level 7 and I've only ever had around 3 greetings. That's bad. Seriously bad. 1 Greeting won't hurt!!! If  you DO give me a greeting, I shall add you as a friend, or give you 2 wishys :) 

OMG!!! I went out the room for like 2 mins and didn't click anything and then came back in and this thing came up saying: You need more diamonds to buy these smileys and I was like, WT? And then I went Omd, My msp user creeps me out now :( 

Msp Rocks :)

Movie Star Planet ROCKS!!!! And yes, that is ROCKS with capital letters, under-lined and in BOLD!!!! OKAY??? Now I shall post some awshum piccys so you can see how Awshum msp is ;p 
This is a new hacker. Lvl 2 Non Vip. She was discovered at least a month ago -.- 

Thursday 5 September 2013

This was never a post :(

Meet Gryphon :) 


See that? That's to prove hollyrenee added me! Why doesn't anyone believe me? You can even see Raxtar added me, which is kind of a surprise :D But you dont have to say she isnt my friend 'cause now you know!!!! So, that was a hard thing to type up!


An Awshum Interview with Miss Pixieeeee Pottsss

How do you feel about the 1 million viewers on your brand new best-selling album: THE MEEEEE!!! ? 

Well, I think they'll be amazed by my singing. Go on to YouTube and put in THE MEEEEE!!! It is wicked!! Check it out Rhino!!! 

What about your new dress from Perky Porkins? 

I think you will love it when you will put it on in the car you can eat from the dress. WARNING: Wear clothes underneath because if you eat it all, you may be naked!

So how do you feel about the song on THE MEEEEE!!! Called Rhino House? 

I feel so amazed by my singing I think you shall love it bye! Ive got to go my limo is here! 


Tilly's Awshum Post Ya' Know?

hi guys post some comments please !!! so we will send more posts and Autographs plus videos YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now Millie has taken over MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Actually, just for a minute or two ;p Tilly, you know you're a SUPER GREAT BFF and you are super kind and FUNNY xD xD 

Wanna know some French? Or Japanese? Or Chinese? Or Portugese? Go on google translate cos' we dont know ;p So ha ha :) peace !!!! 
That was tilly. this is tilly saying bye... BYE!!!!!
This is Millie saying bye....Bye x 

Hi this is Millie and this is tilly :)
Tilly chose this song, and I let her -.- Seriously, why wouldnt I? She's my bff and I dont care who does care cos' I dont -.- This is Tilly, this is for all you 1d fans YAY !!!!!!
So, to all you 1d fans out there, 1d is ours. And we might share them with you if you give us all the money in the world :) But if you dont, too bad :P MUAHAHAHAHA

~Millie Out Da House~ ~tilly out the house~

Oh, one last thing, If you dont add Tilly, you'll have MOI (me) to answer too x( Ok? xD See Ya ;p 

Tilly and Millie's Awshum Post

Hi :) This is Millie here ;p (Otherwise known as Millie2003millie on msp) And I am here with my Bff Tilly :) (Otherwise known as tillywoo1 on msp) She will now speak...Type....WHATEVER!! 

Hi this is Tillywoo1 and my bff is millie ( also known as millie2003millie) BYE !!!!!!!!!

Hi again it's MilMil! TilTil was typing then ;p Now, if any of my bff's are reading this, no offence ;) 

These are pictures of Tilly and Me 

Ok thanks :) Now posting. Byeee x BYE !!!!!!!!

Wednesday 4 September 2013


I love msp. My name is millie2003millie on it and I am Level 6 with 201 friends. I am nearly Level 7 and there is one person helping me. I shall put her in my next post but I'm not just yet because this is about msp. So, I want y'all to add me because I mean it xD. This might not make sense, because NEITHER DO I ;p I love msp, it is basically the only game I go on :) But I do go on Bin Weevils. If you see a Weevil name kitty4648 add her! It's Moi. Aka, MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
This is for my AMAZING bff Mel:) Mel, I luvoo ;p This video is for you my bff :) 

You should watch this video msp :) And also, add HottieHollie45 on msp :) She's soooo kind :) I have many other Bff's, but Mel is the most special. No offence anyone else, but it's true. She does annoy me a bit, but thats natural, right? She may be a Level 3, Non-Vip but thats the same  with others, right? SHES NO DIFFERENT TO ANYONE ELSE!!!!! Thx if you read this Mel xD

This is RANDOM

This is random. Actually, it sort of ISNT because next post will be SERIOUS :) So this post is random ;p Am I confusing you? Hopefully :) 
Hardest Tongue Twister: 
Peggy Babcock 

Okay? Say it REALLY fast and voila! You have said the HARDEST tongue twister :) 

ROAR Katy Perry

This is ROAR by Katy Perry. Please watch :) I feel in a 'ROAR' mood ;p


I saw Anonymous somewhere random. (Preferably in a Chatroom ;p) And I would like to share the AMAZING pics with you :) I also found another hacker, and I'll add her pics after Anons :) 

I have way more pics of the one directly above where Im typing from. I cant be bothered to add more on so...yah :) 

First EVER post :) SQUEE!!

Hi msp users (or anyone else who randomly found out about my blog) This is an AMAZING picture :p      This is A CRAZY POST