Thursday 14 November 2013

I think this advert is really sad, because the little hare is left alone when the bear is hibernating, and gets him a little clock  for Christmas! When the snowflake lands on the bears nose, the poor hare feels sad :(  

MelMoo :)

Monday 11 November 2013

No Title :p

Lol :p I felt like screaming. Hear that? No? Shall I do it again? What? You say no? Hmph X(

Msp Vivian! FOUND

Ok, so I typed in Tawna on Clubs. It came up with two clubs. 'Tawna, We Miss You!' and 'Tawna Fan Club'. What happened was I clicked on 'Tawna Fan Club' and I then clicked on Members. At the top it said 'Owner 
Vivian'. It had the correct font! Don't believe me? Look at the pics!

See? Ignore the other things, just focus on the profile and above x Thanks x Omg. I seriously cant believe that Vivian really exists. That HAS to be a complete joke, I'm typing like a year after I posted this post :o

Friday 8 November 2013

Shoutout #2

This ShoutOut goes to JoJo 77 99! She has been hacked more than once, and she seems to get over it SUPER quickly! If you are JoJo 77 99's friend, be kind to her!  

Btw, this hacking is real, it is Anon's New Status :o 

Shoutout #1

This ShoutOut goes to coolkali! You've always been kind and helpful, and never stop helping! Add coolkali, if she has enough friend space! Also, help her to Level 12, she deserves it!